Silencing Sharks by John Hope is a children’s book accessible to young adults. As such, it exceeds all expectations. But there is something extraordinary about this book, elevating it above constraining categories (no matter how relevant) into one deserving of attention and appreciation from all ages. Further comments will address these qualities and leave the categorizing to others. The most vital quality a writer can display when narrating a story based on magical presumptions is credibility. When the reader never questions the surreal components of a tale, lost in the beauty of the writing, the uniqueness of the plot, and the unpredictable developments, the author of that tale has accomplished something almost impossible—he has engaged someone in exchanging their daily reality for the unbelievable, without hesitation or dubiety. John Hope accomplishes precisely that.
Sharks talk, and a deaf child listens. The boy finds out his dad is involved in nasty dealings. His uncle, the pirate, seems a wee bit crazy. The boy Peter must seek assistance and cooperation from the bullies who torment him. Overall, it’s an extraordinary world and an excellent setting for a story. Then comes the storytelling, the quality of which elevates it above all restrictive categories. John Hope’s storytelling skills and writing acumen are exquisite examples of the writing craft at its best. This assertion is not made lightly. Supreme skill is required to tell a story as concisely and sparely as this one, using no excessive verbiage while instilling such degrees of tension, adventure, and heroic action. One cannot avoid using the exhausted cliché, “This is a page-turner,” when, in fact, it is.
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Great review, Joel.I shall order this one for my granddaughter for Christmas.
Joel R. Dennstedt
That’s great Michael. I think she’ll love it.