In a world shattered by war, a lone robot soldier awakens with one mission: to protect the last surviving human – a little girl named Amy. Together, they form an unbreakable bond in a world where hope is scarce. But danger lurks in the form of robotic mutations known as wolfhounds. One Shot’s prime directive is clear: protect Amy at all costs. On a perilous journey through a devastated world, the bond between a girl and a robot might be the key to humanity’s future. If they can survive.

An exciting adventure exploring notions of friendship between humans and machines.
… the blossoming friendship between One Shot and Amy is affecting enough to separate this tale from others in its genre.
Dennstedt’s premise is both classic and promising…
One Shot struggles to balance his protective programming with his newfound desire to help Amy become independent, as Amy develops from a frightened orphan into a brave fighter.
Their adventure, narrated through a robot’s eyes, offers a uniquely empathetic perspective on what it means to grow up.
I loved the character of Amy.
I thought it was adorable how she would latch onto what others might consider objects, such as a construction robot or a plant, give them names, and treat them as part of her little family.
The writing style was also excellent.
… hauntingly beautiful and poignant .
The personification of the robot is ingenious.
… astonishing sophisticated narrative, dialogue, and unforgettable scenes.
I could not put this book down.

Joel R. Dennstedt, a man of unique experiences, hiked the wilds of Alaska for 15 years. For 7 ½ years, he and his brother traveled the world with everything they owned in a backpack and a duffel. Now, he writes full-time, drawing from his rich life experiences. He regularly contributes to the writing platform Medium, where he has published over 800 stories, articles, and book reviews. He is also the Final Editor for a popular series of metaphysical books about Existence—Consciousness—Bliss.
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