

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand and that you could just wave your wand and become an exceptional storyteller? And I am not talking about throwing a few bullets on a slide and delivering information. I am talking about the kind of storyteller so compelling that people crave to hear from, a storyteller radiating confidence that is contagious, a storyteller that touches not only the minds, but the hearts of your listeners. Well, I have some good news for you. The Storyteller’s Spellbook by James Whittaker is nothing less than a real life’s real magic wand that will help you do just that. Meh, just another fluffy self-help paperback, some may think at first. Quite frankly I was skeptical also when I first picked up the book, but trust me, this one is different.

Why should you care to be a great storyteller? Well, the answer is simple — as James elucidates in the opening of his book, we may not realize it, but most of us spend our life and career showcasing ourselves and our contributions in one way or another. From performance reviews to pitching new ideas or simply getting a buy-in at our next team meeting, our ability to tell a story in a compelling way, can really make or break our career. In James’ own words:

“Simply put, your ideas and insights mean nothing if they cannot be transmitted to others.”

The good news is that we don’t have to be Steve Jobs or Martin Luther King Jr. to wow our audiences and galvanize large number of people toward a common goal. There are distinct, teachable techniques that can make anyone a captivating storyteller and James’ book skillfully takes us on a journey that teaches us exactly how and when to use them. James rightfully calls these techniques “spells”, because once mastered they can truly transform your career and your life in a magical way.

My favorite part about this book is that James helps us master the craft of storytelling not by telling us what to do, like most other books, but showing us what to do, how to do it and when to do it. James uses simple and conversational writing style to tell us fascinating stories from his personal and professional life. He then picks apart each story exposing the specific “spells” used to make the story so compelling. Each “spell” is a powerful, yet easy-to-understand technique that provides actionable guidance on when and how it should be implemented. That’s truly what makes this little paperback so extraordinary. It’s like reading an enchanting novel that you can’t put down, but you’re also mastering the craft of storytelling without even realizing it. James has really executed this unique “spell” concept masterfully. It’s one of those books that you don’t want to put down once you start reading it. You fall in love not only in the stories, but also in the underlying concepts behind them.

The book is short and easy to digest. It’s non-conventional not only in the way it’s written, but also in the way it’s structured. Nearly half of the book comprises appendices, which are jam-packed with value on every single page. In the appendices, James illustrates the power of storytelling, he teaches us how to captivate and keep our audience’s attention, how to fight stage fright and how to deliver successful virtual presentations. Then at the end, James wraps it all up tidily with a consolidated view of all the “spells” and key takeaways from the book. I’ve literally never seen a better appendix in my life.

In summary, this book is a superb read and it’s worth every penny. It’ll not only provide you with the magic wand you need to knockout your next presentation, but it’ll also help you reap the long-term career benefits from mastering the storytelling craft. In James’ own words:

“Most people’s inability to engage an audience is your opportunity. Nearly every stage the world presents is yours for the taking. All it takes is a little magic.”

Have fun creating casting your “spells” and driving your ideas forward, one audience at a time!




  • ______________________________________________________________________________

    Eva Benn – Guest Reviewer

    Senior Engineering Program Manager at Microsoft. Co-founder – Bulgarian Women in Tech. ISACA Puget Sound Chapter Marketing Director.

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