Indie Reviews

A Voice for Independent Authors

“You can kill a book quicker by your silence than by a bad review.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri


How many times have you asked yourself the question: Wouldn’t it be great if I could go back to childhood understanding the things I now know as an adult? Maybe not the cruel, desperate things. But the understandings of what it means to use intention, kindness, and generosity toward others. To understand that still small voice within that offers guidance if only one would shut up and listen. To understand that magic is only science yet to be, but that the world itself is absolutely nothing other than magic hard at play. Imagination. Can you but imagine the adventures you would be sure to have if you went back? Well, that is pretty much what Tom Hoffman delivers in his book The Eleventh Ring about a rabbit adventurer named Bartholomew, and his many rabbit and non-rabbit friends.

The Eleventh Ring is targeted toward the young, but the scenario I laid out above makes it also a wonderful book for adults. The children will love the animal adventures and encounter some teachings that might just work for them, if only they were true. The adults, sensing that those teachings are very true indeed, will find themselves enjoying the adventure as a reflection of life just as it is. When Bartholomew goes seeking his rightful magical inheritance and a best-friend girl rabbit who disappeared early from his life, both the child and the adult will thoroughly enjoy the splendid mix of humor, danger, courage, fear, and unerring persistence that sees this young rabbit mature into a hero. What, I ask, is not magical about that?


Joel R. Dennstedt – Top Reviewer for Readers’ Favorite


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