Indie Reviews

A Voice for Independent Authors

“You can kill a book quicker by your silence than by a bad review.” ― E.A. Bucchianeri
“You can kill a book quicker by your silence than by a bad review.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri


Stone Angels

As ultimately becomes apparent, Stone Angels by Michael Hartigan not only begins with a passage in the night, a surreal passage by a group of college student friends – two guys and two girls – involving an unplanned stop at a rural gas station, but the scene becomes a kind of metaphor for the entire story. This introductory chapter inclines the reader to expect one of those teen horror scenarios with a twisted, demonic killer, and yet the chapter serves a better purpose by taking you deep into the psychological reality of the main character, who narrates you through a history of events meant to explain his disturbing if intriguing current state of near collapse, and why he himself just might be that psychotic killer. The book moves among artful counterpoints of character revelations, creating an entourage and plot-line cleverly constructed of group friendships well-defined by collegiate activities and other high jinks, comprised of some who have grown up together, and others formed in high school. This all makes for a complex set of relationships that in turn makes this a deeply engrossing story.

Michael Hartigan in Stone Angels pulls the reader in from the start. He continues to contrast the surreal and the mundane while piecing together his psychological puzzle – a highly effective technique for revealing the emotional depth behind some really strange associations – and he deftly keeps you guessing at what the final diagnosis is to be. The symbolic representation most cogent to his purpose is the good and evil contrast between Shaw, the narrator, and his nemesis, Duncan, although the counterpoint is nuanced and authentic, with plenty of psychological explanation for a believable foundation. Important to a proper appreciation of this well-written book is the reality of what has really taken place prior to that introductory nighttime passage. Finding out is the genuine pleasure of reading Mr. Hartigan’s book.


Joel 8 - Copy

Joel R. Dennstedt – Reviewer

Author-Journalist-World Traveler


Amazon Author Page



In concert with the sentiment above, I share my professional reviews of books by Indie Authors. I am an official top reviewer for Readers’ Favorite, a highly-regarded and award-winning online review site. Adhering to their standards of professionalism, ethics, and formatting, I offer my life-affirming voice to a greatly deserving field: Indie Authors.

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